Understanding how penis enlargement works is vital if you want to make it happen for you. If you fail to understand penis enlargement you run the risk of being suckered by any salesman who has a method or a product to push. It took me a long time to learn this lesson, and as a result I wasted money and time on all kinds of useless penis enlargement products. When I eventually took the time to look into the science behind penis enlargement, I realised that there was only one method of enlargement that could work: the natural enhancement method. Read on and you won't make the same mistakes I did.
The science of penis enhancement
Penis size is controlled by biochemicals in your blood. These biochemicals can never make your penis get any smaller, but they can determine whether or not it gets any bigger. Basically, if the biochemical levels in your blood are above a certain point, then your penis has the chance to use the biochemicals to help it grow. Below that point, there aren't enough biochemicals for your penis to draw on, so it can't grow. Now, this is the important point: after puberty, you DON'T have enough biochemicals in your blood for your penis to be able to grow. That means that before you can make your penis grow at all, you HAVE to increase your biochemical levels. Any penis enlargement method that doesn't increase your biochemical levels is guaranteed to fail: it can't make your penis grow a single inch. Natural enhancement is, in fact, the ONLY penis enlargement method which does make your biochemical levels increase; therefore, it's the ONLY method that can make your penis bigger.
What should I do?
Just start following a natural enhancement program, and you will see 3-4 inch gains within weeks, just like I did. It's easy as that.
How to grow your penis larger
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